Growing mouth cancer rates means one of seven of us know someone affected by the disease, according to new research by the British Dental Health Foundation.
With cases of mouth cancer approaching 7000 and death exceeding 2000 for the first time, mouth cancer campaigners believe more people could soon know someone affected.
Did you know oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer?
Oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer, accounting for 30,000 newly diagnosed cases each year – and 8,000 deaths. If not diagnosed and treated in its early stages, oral cancer can spread, leading to chronic pain, loss of function, facial and oral disfigurement and even death.
The results have been published to raise awareness of the disease. The campaign is aiming to get more mouth cancers diagnosed at an early stage by increasing education of the risk factors and signs and symptoms while encouraging everybody to discuss them with their dental professional.
Oral cancer can affect any body
Although there are risks factors heavily linked to the disease, mouth cancer can affect anybody. That’s why it’s so important that we all know what to look out for. An ulcer that doesn’t heal within three weeks, an unusual lump or swelling or red and white patch in your mouth could be the sign of mouth cancer.
Early detection is key
The earlier oral cancer is detected and treated, the better the survival rate – which is just one of the many reasons you should visit your dentist regularly. Twice-yearly dental checkups are recommended.
As part of the exam, your dentist will check for oral cancer indicators, including feeling for lumps or irregular tissue in your mouth, head and neck. A biopsy will be recommended if anything seems concerning or out of the ordinary.
If you would like more information, or to book an appointment at City Smiles in Melbourne CBD, please contact us today.